Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc.’s (“YGG”) trademarks, logos, and service marks are valuable assets that we diligently supervise and protect. We understand that some third parties need to use our trademarks to refer to YGG’s products. Therefore, we developed these guidelines to assist our business partners, customers, and other third parties and to answer some of the frequent questions we receive regarding the proper usage of YGG’s trademarks.
These guidelines are designed to ensure the proper usage of YGG’s trademarks and to prevent consumer confusion. Since we cannot address every question that may arise, these guidelines are not intended to be a definitive or exhaustive statement on the proper usage of YGG’s trademarks.
These guidelines apply only to use of YGG’s trademarks in word format. Third parties may use YGG’s logos or other trademarks with design elements only under the terms and conditions of an agreement that permits the use of YGG logos, and in that case, it must conform precisely to a logo specimen provided in the agreement.
Third parties may use YGG’s trademarks to identify YGG’s products and services, provided such references are true, fair, not defamatory, and not misleading as to YGG’s affiliation, endorsement, or association with such third party or third party’s products and services, and provided these guidelines are followed:
Always use YGG's trademarks as a noun modifier, not a noun or a verb.
Correct: | Variax® guitars are revolutionary instruments. |
Not Correct: | Variax is turning guitar history on its ear. |
Always use YGG's trademarks in their singular form, not plural or possessive.
Correct: | I bought two POD® digital effect devices. |
Not Correct: | I bought two PODs. |
Not Correct: | The POD's versatility is what makes it unique. |
Always reproduce YGG's trademarks exactly as registered. Do not change the spelling, capitalization, spacing, or punctuation.
Correct: | StageScape StageSource AMPLIFi Sonic Port |
Not Correct: | Stagescape Stagesource Amplifi Sonicport |
Please use the appropriate symbol — superscripted, without a space, and to the immediate right of the trademark — following the first use of the trademark. Second or subsequent uses do not need these symbols.
For ease of reference, set forth below is a complete list of YGG's registered and unregistered trademarks as of the date set forth above. For a more complete and up-to-date list, you may contact YGG’s legal department.
Ampeg® (Name) Amp Farm® AMPLIFi® BackTrack® Catalyst® Córdoba®
库尔多巴® Córdoba Music® Córdoba Guitar® Córdoba Guitars® DeArmond®
GuitarPort® Helix®
Humicase® HX® (HX® One) Line 6®
LowDown® M5® M9® M13® Made to be Played® |
Metallurgy® Model Citizens® Orpheum® POD® (POD® Express) POD Farm® POD Studio® Portaflex® Powercab® Relay® Rocket Bass® SGT-DI® Space Chorus® Spider® StageScape® Surfliner® SVT® TubeTone® Über Metal® Variax® Venture® Verbzilla® |
BassAmp™ Constrictor™ CrunchTone™ DL4™ DM4™ DT25™ DT50™ Echo Farm™ EX-1™ FBV™ Firehawk™ FM4™ Heritage™ HX Effects™ HX Stomp™ Impossible Amp™ |
Infinite Baffle™ JM4™ Looper L6 LINK™ Line 6 Edit™ Line 6 Monkey™ Liqua-Flange™ MIDI Mobilizer™ MM4™ Mobile In™ Mobile Keys™ Otto Filter™ Phasifier™ Pro Neo™ Reverberocket™ Rocket™ |
Rocktaver™ “Round Sound”™ Sonic Port™ Spider Valve™ Spider Jam™ StageSource™ Superb Reverb™ Super Grit Technology™ and SGT™ Super Valve™ Tap Tremolo™ ToneCore™ X2™ X3™ |
Important Notes: The registered trademarks list above is for U.S. registrations only -- many of these trademarks are registered in foreign countries, as well. Additionally, the lists of registered and unregistered trademarks does not include trademarks owned by Yamaha Corporation or any of its other subsidiaries.
Include an attribution credit (which may appear in small print so long as it is legible by the average reader) when using any YGG trademark in published materials.
Example: | Variax® is a trademark or registered trademark of Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other jurisdictions. |
However, Yamaha Guitar Group's company name may be used in simplified form, as here:
Correct: | Yamaha Guitar Group announced a new product today. |
Not Correct: | Yamaha® Guitar Group announced a new product today. |
Correct: | Yamaha Guitar Group's technology offers innovative digital solutions for guitarists. |
Not Correct: | Yamaha Guitar Group®‘s technology offers innovative digital solutions for guitarists. |
YGG reserves the right to object to any use of YGG's trademarks and YGG deems unlawful even if such use if not specifically prohibited by these guidelines.
YGG reserves the right to revise these guidelines at any time without notice.
For additional information or questions, you may contact YGG's legal department.